How Does a Gas Fireplace Work?

More and more homeowners today opt for the convenience and beauty of a gas fireplace. With a gas fireplace you get versatility in size, location, ventilation, and aesthetics. They’re easy to install, efficient, and extremely low maintenance, but how do they work? White Glove sells and installs a variety of gas fireplaces, all of which have one thing in common: they use less fuel to create more heat.

Vented Gas Fireplace

A vented gas fireplace doesn’t require a chimney for ventilation, so it can be placed anywhere. The installer can vent the fireplace through a wall or through the roof for a freestanding appliance. These fireplaces are closed units and don’t draw air from the room they’re in. Instead, they pull air from an outside source, bring it in to assist with combustion, then vent it back out including particles, water vapor, and carbon monoxide. This type of system is extremely efficient, producing many times the heat as a traditional wood-burning stove.

Vent-Free or Ventless Gas Fireplace

These products burn cleanly, like a gas stove and are rated for indoor use without the use of a vent or a chimney. The difference that this makes is that they have a blue flame instead of the traditional yellow flame. These are usually used in small doses, but can be safely used for zone heating because of their high heat output.

Gas Log Sets

Gas log sets are ceramic logs often used to convert a wood fireplace to gas. They are an especially convenient option when the chimney is damaged to the point of unusable and they’re the cheapest option for gas fireplaces. A gas log set uses the fuel released through many burners on the ceramic logs themselves to simulate an actual wood fireplace. Unlike a gas insert, log sets simulate an open fireplace.

Gas Inserts

These appliances are basically a log set enclosed in a fire box and fit inside an existing fireplace. These can be vented or unvented and are extremely efficient for zone heating. Gas inserts are easily fitted and installed by a certified professional. The basic operation of a gas fireplace is the same across all designs and appliances. The unit or log set requires air, fuel, and an ignition. Many gas fireplaces have a convenient push-button start. These require a pilot light. Other appliances have to be lit, but are easy to light and shut off. Once ignited, the fire burns cleanly and releases water vapors and byproducts. Gas fireplaces retain and use over 90 percent of their heat and release minimal byproducts, especially vent-free appliances.

If you’re interested in learning how a gas fireplace can benefit you, you can visit White Glove’s House of Fire and see some in action. You can also schedule a consultation with one of our fireplace experts at your convenience.


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