Get Your Wall Furnace Cleaned Before Winter

It is almost time for winter, and you don't want to be caught in the cold with a damaged, dirty, or otherwise unsafe furnace. The best way to keep your family and property safe is to have your heat systems professionally cleaned and assessed before fall. Scheduling now means you can avoid the fall rush--the months between October and January when chimney sweep companies are busy with emergency calls, repairs, and installations. Schedule your cleaning now, and get the appointment time you want, the service you need, and even your preferred technician.

Do Wall Furnaces Need Cleaning?

All heat appliances should be cleaned regularly to maintain the highest level of safety and efficiency. Even a quality product, can become a problem if it's not maintained properly, and a wall furnace can become a dangerous source of carbon monoxide in your home if it malfunctions.

What to Expect During a Cleaning?

When you have your wall furnace serviced, a White Glove professional will come into your home with the highest level of professionalism. Then the technician will disassemble, clean, and inspect the wall furnace for damages and flaws. Since a wall furnace only requires a thorough cleaning every few years, this is an important appointment. A White Glove technician will thoroughly clean the flue and heat exchanger before putting the system back together and checking it before the end of the appointment.

Other Tips to Stay Safe

You should have your wall furnace checked by a PG & E technician when you have your pilot light ignited for the season. This will ensure that the fuel connection is safe and will not cause a dangerous leak or fire this winter.

Facts About Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is often called the silent killer, because it causes severe illness, organ failure, and death, oftentimes without being noticed. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are often confused with common cold or stomach flus, and can even present as neurological or psychiatric disorders. Whether a slow, small leak, or a fast leak, the symptoms can often leading to the organs shutting down. It may even lead to death. 89 percent of carbon monoxide poisoning incidents occur in the home. The best way to prevent the occurrence is to have your heat sources checked and maintained properly. Another preventative measure is to install carbon monoxide detectors. We recommend multiple carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home, and on each level of the home. This way, your family is not caught off guard, and your health and life is not in danger.

Work With Us

White Glove Chimney and Air Duct strives to put customer safety first. The fireplace is not the only danger in your home. Your chimney, wall furnaces, and even dryer vents can put your family at risk if they are not maintained. Call White Glove today, and ask an expert about our preventative services.


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