We Clean Air Vents

Now that it's finally spring, you may be creating extensive lists of Spring To-Dos. While you're doing your spring cleaning around your house, don't forget about your dryer vents. In fact, you may want to schedule a dryer vent cleaning before turning on your air conditioner for the season. There may be debris, animal droppings, bacteria, and moisture in the ducts that you can't see. You should get your air vents cleaned annually, this will help keeping your family stay safe while keeping your vents work correctly.

Maintaining Your Air Duct System

There are a few things you can do to help keep your air vents working properly.

  • Change the air filter monthly can help your vents stay clean of microscopic debris and germs.

  • Keep air vents clear from clothes and trash to ensure no blockage of the airflow or fall into the vent.

  • Prevent rodent infestations by using store-bought products or professional services.

  • Schedule an air duct inspection after a major leak, flood, or natural disaster.

Why It's Important

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is polluted much faster than outdoor air. In America, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors. If your air vents are dirty filled with moisture or bacteria, your air conditioning or heating system will push the air into your home many times per day. Dirty air vents can cause allergies to worsen, which can affect those with chronic respiratory illnesses, create smelly odors through your home, and contribute to "dust bunnies" in your house.

Schedule Your Air Vent Cleaning

White Glove Chimney and Air Duct can clean your air duct using one of two methods. Once our experienced technicians have seen your duct system, they will select the method best for your system.

  1. Contact cleaning uses rotary spinning brushes connected to high-power vacuums that also keep dust, dust-mites, and microscopic debris from re-entering the air.

  2. Negative air cleaning uses spinning air whips or brushes to work the dust and debris loose. Once freed, the dust and debris is removed with a powerful vacuum system.

Not only will your air ventilation system be cleaned thoroughly, but your service appointment will also include an AC coil and heat exchange cleaning, which will help to improve the efficiency and life of your AC and furnace. It also includes a filter change with a top-notch electrostatic air filter that comes with a forever warranty. This filter doesn't have to be replaced; it will only need to be cleaned monthly.When you schedule an air vent cleaning with us, you can rest assured that we will do a wonderful job. We will not offer a quote before we've seen your system, and we won't complete or start a service without your consent.

Call us today, and we can get started on your spring cleaning right now. Call 530-221-3331 or request an appointment online.


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